Remind Notification System

SECHS will communicate to parents and students in multiple ways: Parent Email, Student School Email, Thrillshare Phone & Email Notification System, and Social Media Posts.. The school also offers communication using the Remind App that students and parents may sign up for.
Enroll to Receive Remind Notifications
If students or parents received school-wide messages from SECHS in previous years, then you were moved to the next grade and may already be connected.
If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. Get the link for your group from the appropriate instruction sheet below, follow the instructions to sign up for Remind, and you’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.
If you don’t have a smartphone, get text notifications. Text the message listed for your group from the appropriate instruction sheet below to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting the message to (757) 337-4602.
* Standard text message rates apply.
Click on the appropriate link below for instructions on how to sign up for your particular grade and group.
Student Remind Instructions